Health for all - Through identifying and addressing health needs of communities who have had poor coverage of health care services.
Education for all - Through expanding the quality and quantity of formal education for students through education center's like schools and non-formal centers for non-school going and drop out children.
Right to livelihood - Through addressing the livelihood issues of the low income groups by involving them to take self help livelihood initiatives.
Working for holistic and sustainable development - Through having a holistic approach in addressing the issues of sustainable development through environment and natural resources conservation and controlling and mitigating environmental health hazards.
Khushi Centre seeks to increase the individual and community capacity for self reliance and sustainable development through its programs which are educative, participatory, gender sensitive and holistic in nature to enable the weaker section of populace become more productive to the nation.
Addressing Health needs: BY providing preventive, curative and rehabilitative health care services to the socio economically weaker and marginalized sections, including people living in remote or rural areas.
Providing Education: In formal, non-formal, functional literacy and in alternative forms for the marginalized children and adults.
Creating Livelihood: Through encouraging and mobilizing the participation of youth & adults, we involve them in sustainable income generation ventures by providing them relevant training and capacity building programs.
Healthy Environment: Create awareness on environmental health issues and to provide a platform to exchange ideas to discuss emerging critical areas.
Responding to Disaster emergencies: By generating resources at short notice to assist in relief and rehabilitation operations at disaster sites.
Holistic Development: Khushi Centre adopts an integrated, holistic and rights based approach in all its development programs and services.