
Individual Donor FAQ's

Individual Donor FAQ's

Individual Donor FAQ's

What information is sent to the donors?

The donor gets an instant acknowledgement mail along with an SMS. On receiving the reconciliation statement from the bank, a receipt is sent via e-mail immediately, followed by a hard copy by post .The receipt is accompanied by a 'welcome pack' which is also a token of appreciation.

What will khushi Centre do with my donation?

As soon as the donation through cheque or online is reconciled by the bank, the amount is allotted to the specific Rahabilititation programme running by khushi centre, which it has been meant for. The utilization and results are managed, monitored and audited. The outcome is reflected in the annual impact report, which is display on the website. We will display all the information our website.

How does Smile Foundation ensure that the donor’s contribution is being utilized in the intended way?

Khushi centre follows the principle of good governance. We have a four-tier audit mechanism to track and monitor the funds raised and utilized. We will display all the information related to funds on our website.

Does khushi centre accept donations in foreign currency?

Yes, the organization accepts donations in USD and pounds as well but only in the form of cheque, drafts or via online payment gateway. As a policy the organization adhere to all government norms and maintains optimum transparency with the donors.

How much should I donate?

There is no specific amount that should be donated. However all the programmes have a detailed breakup of the expenditure displayed online.

Is the website safe to make online payments?

Yes, the website is safe for every kind of transaction. Also any information exchange is kept safe and in no condition gets disclosed. Also the payment gateway is a third party payment gateway recognized by the financial institutions under the government of India. So any transaction also is thoroughly secured.

What is the process of keeping the donor’s information safe?

As a credible organization, we honour the privacy of our donors. The donor data is not exposed or shared with any external agency under any circumstances. We have a robust in-house mechanism and server system where the records are kept safe. The entire setup is protected with password and is guarded by surveillance software. The data is kept strictly confidential and only authorized staff with a special non-disclosure bond have access to it.

What are the Tax benefits that a donor will get?

A donor will get 50% of tax exemption on the donation under section 80 G of Income Tax Act, 1961.

Do you issue Tax receipts? How soon will the receipts arrive?

Yes, tax receipts are issued to all the donors irrespective of the amount supported. A digital copy of the receipt is generated on and sent via e-mail post realization of the donated amount. The hard copy of the receipt is delivered to the donor as soon as possible. (within 7 working days).

What happens if the tax receipt is lost?

In case of loss of the original receipt, a duplicate tax receipt is issued on receipt of a formal request from the donor.

Can one donate in kind (old clothes, books, stationary etc)?

YES, in-kind donation is accepted. there is a need in kind of the projects at a given point of time.

Is it possible for a consistent supporter to meet the beneficiary personally?

While you can visit the school where the children you support are studying we do not encourage donors to directly meet the beneficiaries as we do not want to give special treatment to any child.