
Our Supporters

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world

Action For India’s mission is to helpless people in India overcome barriers to scale and achieve greater impact at the Bottom of the Pyramid. We bring together social innovators, impact investors, mentors, technology resources, government agencies and local partners.

As an individual

Our Cause of serving the needy elderly by selecting a particular Program and supporting as many elders as you wish to, or by simply making the donation to Khushi Centre to enable it to carry out both its Programs and Advocacy work.

As a Corporate

Khushi Centre runs a whole gamut of Programs that enable enlightened Corporate houses to sponsor as part of their CSR policy.Some of the most well known names from the Private and Public sectors have been consistent supporters of these programs. Flagship programs like the Mobile Medical Units can be tailored to match the needs of individual CSR projects of different corporates. Complete transparency in financial documentation and systematic updates on achievement of program objectives are hallmarks of Khushi Centre operations. Please go to the Programs menu on this website and choose whichever particular activity best suits your CSR needs.

As an Institution

Khushi Centre actively seeks to partner with Organizations, Charities, Trusts and other Institutions to bring the benefits of specialized expertise and the power of generous grants and endowments to the needy elderly. National and International donor agencies and Trusts have been long time supporters of Khushi Centre. Please go to our Programs or Advocacy menu and choose the area in which you may wish to partner